Empowering Sustainable Food Futures
At the heart of our mission lies the dream of a sustainable future where food choices are a powerful lever for climate action. We're dedicated to providing cutting-edge tools and insights that enable businesses and individuals to embrace their role in nurturing the planet, making informed decisions that align with a greener, more sustainable world.
About Yopla
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Reduction of Emissions
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Reduction of Food Waste
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Climate Meters Generated
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Recipes Analysed
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Global Scenario
Problem Statement
Food creates 26% of Global GHG emissions and is the biggest contributor to biodiversity loss. This urgently demands a simple solution to encourage and engage food ecosystem related stakeholders towards the fight against climate change.

Sustainable Solutions
Yopla's Solution
Keep the flavor, Reduce the impact. To calculate, understand and track the emissions from food is time-taking and cumbersome. It makes it both difficult and expensive to become part of the sustainability journey. Our comprehensive tool aims to simplify it and make it a breeze to use.

Reducing Carbon Footprint through innovation & research
Helping the food industry reduce their impact on the planet by analyzing their emissions from source and provide alternative solutions